2001 (Engelska)Ingår i: Cold Regions Science and Technology, ISSN 0165-232X, E-ISSN 1872-7441, Vol. 32, nr 1, s. 63-70Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) 


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Vol. In its resolution of 10 March 2005 on science and technology — Guidelines for the Committee of the Regions on the convergence of the telecommunications,  Ett spin-off företag sprunget ur forskning vid Sports Tech Research Centre som en ny artikel kring snölagring publicerad i Journal of cold regions engineering  Research Professor Emeritus at PRIO. Tema Institute, Linköping University, Sweden (with a doctoral thesis on US Naval Strategy, Weapons Technology and Geopolitics), 1989. Tunander, Ola (1989) Cold Water Politics - the Maritime Strategy and Tunander, Ola (1992) Sweden and the Baltic Region - Military Strategic  Research. This project investigates the meaning of international in a Swedish art context during the Cold War era. It was a period characterised  1Biocolloid and Fluid Physics Group, Faculty of Sciences, Applied Physics Department, University of Cold Regions Science and Technology. Turning dry and cold overnight with clear periods.

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Wilfrid Laurier University, Centre for Cold Regions and Water Science. Location. Waterloo, ON. New Facility. 14,000 sq.ft. Construction Costs. $6 million  IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science design strategy of shipping container architecture in cold regions with the technology roadmap,  31 Dic 2018 Cold Regions Science and Technology 146 (2018) 43-52. DOI:10.1016/j.

Cold Regions Science and Technology is an international journal dealing with the science and technical problems of cold environments in both the polar regions and more temperate locations.

Science and technology are interdependent assets, and advances in science often lead to technological advancements. Science is the methodical process in which humans observe and experiment in different fields of study to gain evidence for a

subscribe to Copyright Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold Spring Harbor of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 PCR is a technology born of the These regions serve as starting places for selecting the primers. and other sedimentation facilities, wetlands, filter technologies, infiltration systems and green Cold Regions Science and Technology 3, 153-161.

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SI Climate Change Impacts in Cold Regions | Journal of Water and Climate of the temperate regions, have been an emerging research topic in recent years. Rehabilitation and repairing technologies of structural defects and the use o

Cold regions science and technology

Cold Regions Science and Technology is an international journal dealing with the science and technical problems of cold environments in both the polar regions and more temperate locations. It includes fundamental aspects of cryospheric scie Cold Regions Science and Technology is an international journal dealing with the science and technical problems of cold environments in both the polar regions and more temperate locations. It includes fundamental aspects of cryospheric sciences which have applications for cold regions problems as well as engineering topics which relate to the cryosphere.

Cold regions science and technology

Cold Regions Science and Technology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/coldregions Snow storage – Modelling, theory and some new research Nina Lintzén⁎, Sven Knutsson Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden ABSTRACT The arrival of natural snow is often delayed nowadays due to global warming. This causes problems for ski Cold Regions Science and Technology. journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/coldregions. Spatio-temporal maps of past avalanche events derived from tree-ring analysis: A case study in the Zermatt valley (Valais, Switzerland) Adrien Favilliera,⁎, Sébastien Guilletb,c, Daniel Trappmannb,c, Pauline Morelb,c,d, Jérôme Lopez-Saezb, Nicolas Eckerte, Cold Regions Science and Technology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/coldregions Simulation of snow management in Alpine ski resorts using three different snow models Florian Hanzera,b,⁎, Carlo Maria Carmagnolac, Pirmin Philipp Ebnerd, Franziska Koche, Cold Regions Science and Technology is an international journal dealing with the scientific and technical problems of cold environments in both the Arctic and more temperate locations. The primary focus is with problems related to the freezing of water, and especially with the many forms of floating ice, snow, and frozen ground.
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Cold regions science and technology

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the high quality raw materials produced using the latest food technology used in its own production. Cold Regions Science and Technology is an international journal dealing with the science and technical problems of cold environments in both the polar regions and more temperate locations. It includes fundamental aspects of cryospheric sciences which have applications for cold regions problems as well as engineering topics which relate to the cryosphere .
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dry and wet ice. Referentgranskad. Öppen tillgång. DOI10.1016/j.coldregions.2020.102990. Tikanmäki, Maria; Sainio, Panu. cold regions science technology.

151-159Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)  2001 (Engelska)Ingår i: Cold Regions Science and Technology, ISSN 0165-232X, E-ISSN 1872-7441, Vol. 32, nr 1, s. 63-70Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)  Properties of ice from first-year ridges in the Barents Sea and Fram Strait2019Ingår i: Cold Regions Science and Technology, ISSN 0165-232X, E-ISSN  Two-dimensional model for heat and moisture dynamics in Nordic roads: Model set-up and sensitivity analysisIngår i: Cold Regions Science and Technology,  Författare: Josef Johnsson; Bijan Adl-Zarrabi.

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Cold Regions Science and Technology 146 (2018) 43–52 Available online 21 November 2017 0165-232X/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. T

vol. 97.

Research Professor Emeritus at PRIO. Tema Institute, Linköping University, Sweden (with a doctoral thesis on US Naval Strategy, Weapons Technology and Geopolitics), 1989. Tunander, Ola (1989) Cold Water Politics - the Maritime Strategy and Tunander, Ola (1992) Sweden and the Baltic Region - Military Strategic 

Development and installation of a prototype ice  Tidskrift, Cold Regions Science and Technology Cold Regions Science and Technology, 135, 116–126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2016.12.006. Research Environmental Engineer at Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Alaska. Cold Regions Luleå University of Technology. Licentiate  Bonath. V, Petrich. C, Sand.

/ Cold Regions Science and Technology 94 (2013) 45–52 thawing process was carried out at room temperature (20 °C ± 2 °C).