The Biobased Economy (BBE) is an economy in which biomass is used for energy and chemistry purposes. In this project we have researched the international market opportunities for Dutch companies and knowledge institutes active in the BBE but with a focus on biomass for energy use.


Strategy for a Bio-based Economy We have defined a bio-based economy (bioeconomy) as an economy based on: • A sustainable production of biomass to enable increased use within a number of different sectors of society. The objective is to reduce climate effects and the use of fossil-based raw materials.

As an alternative, potato protein concentrate (PPC, side-stream from  Many translated example sentences containing "potato" – Swedish-English potato starch sector could play an important role in a bio-based economy and that  The authorisation for the cultivation and industrial use of potato EH92-527-1 is potato starch sector could play an important role in a bio-based economy and  Workshops. Horticulture. Potatoes. Cererals. Oil crops. Protein crops.

Biobased economy potatoes

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Biocontrol research for plant  Potatoes and orther crops contain much water - but this is not used productively so far. All his working life as an arable farmer Henny Roelofsen has been growing starch potatoes for Avebe. In the company's bio-refineries all kind of substances a PaperFoam is a textbook example of a company that realises its revenue in the biobased economy. This company is based in the Netherlands and produces packaging materials from industrial potato starch and cellulose fibres. PaperFoam is known for its sleek and stylish packaging solutions for products including electronics, cosmetics and Champagne.

The company of Duynie further processes the reclaimed struvite fertiliser for agricultural use.

http:\\www.biobasedeconomy.nlDe Biobased Economy is de economie van het heden én de toekomst. Eén die draait op biomassa in plaats van fossiele grondstoffen.

13:17 in Biobrandstoffen, Biogas, Biomassa, Bioraffinage & Cascadeprincipe, Biotechnologie, Chemie, Economie, Nieuws door Redactie. BioBased Economy, Den Haag, Netherlands. 229 likes. Biobased economy gaat over de overgang van een economie die draait op fossiele grondstoffen naar een economie die draait op biomassa als grondstof.

Biobased economy potatoes

The biobased economy is that part of the bioeconomy that is not related to food/feed production and agriculture, however, it is closely linked with the primary sector. It offers great opportunities and solutions to a growing number of pressing global challenges such as climate change mitigation, energy and food security and resource efficiency.

Biobased economy potatoes

But  This means not only an economic loss for the farmer but also on a material level, this utilization is very inefficient [20,21]. It only used residual potatoes, which are  3 Nov 2015 sustainable economic growth, bioeconomy resorts to two fundamental for example, binders based on wheat protein and potato starch, lignin  of modified potato starch while 145 ktonne of vegetable oils are used in technical The turnover of the biobased economy in the Netherlands has been  12 Nov 2018 industry processes EU-grown agriculture raw materials (mainly wheat, maize and starch potatoes) serving the four outlets of the bioeconomy,  The EU starch industry and the bioeconomy (mainly maize, wheat, and starch potatoes) of good quality, in sufficient quantities and at a competitive price for all   8 May 2019 Koops and Trindade. Nov 2010.

Biobased economy potatoes

video-animatie van prezi over de Nederlandse biobased econome. De prezi is gemaakt door Daria Ofman.Het Instituut Maatschappelijke Innovatie organiseert de M Wat is de Biobased Economy ? - YouTube. In slechts 7 minuten een volledige uitleg van wat de biobased economy is en hoe ook jíj je bijdrage kan leveren. We offer biobased and biodegradable polymers to substitute petroleum-based plastic applications.
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Biobased economy potatoes

Biobased production encompasses a value chain from agriculture through the manufacture of consumer goods that provides an alternative to petroleum’s value chain and brings environmental, economic and other benefits. The biobased economy can generate new markets for agricultural producers, boost innovation in domestic manufacturing, and stimulate sustainable economic activities but also holds new breeding challenges. Successful biobased production starts with control over plant production chains, both in and outside the Netherlands Plant production is the conversion of CO 2 and sunlight into a plethora of economically useful molecules (see later).

The objective is to reduce climate effects and the use of fossil-based raw materials. Biobased Economy.
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Biobased Economy. The bioeconomy encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and the conversion of these resources, residues, by-products and side streams into value added products, such as food, feed, biobased products, services and bioenergy.

Forests are likely to become increasingly important in a green economy as sources of new materials such as bio-based plastics and  Circular Economy – Closing the Plastic Loop. 17 Solutions such as bio based plastics, improved collection small firms and start-ups (from potato-to-plastic. The conversion into a bio-based economy in Sweden requires a broad range of Potato cultivars that are resistant to late blight and at the same time having  Contents: Köp Holy Potatoes!

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Startup-företaget Potato Plastic vill förändra plastindustrin med ett material baserat på potatisrester. Företaget Product/service. Sting Bioeconomy.

13:17 in Biobrandstoffen, Biogas, Biomassa, Bioraffinage & Cascadeprincipe, Biotechnologie, Chemie, Economie, Nieuws door Redactie. BioBased Economy, Den Haag, Netherlands. 229 likes. Biobased economy gaat over de overgang van een economie die draait op fossiele grondstoffen naar een economie die draait op biomassa als grondstof.

Biobased Production Chains with Potential Potato bio-refinery Sugar beet for the production of bio-chemicals Miscanthus bio-refinery Oil crops for biobased chemicals New grasses for bio-refinery New crops for natural rubber (guayule and dandelion) Maize bio-refinery: for feed and energy Microalgae Sea weed

Read more. Only the sun comes up PDF | On Jan 1, 2010, J.W.A. Langeveld and others published The Biobased Economy: Biofuels, Materials, and Chemicals in the Post Oil Era | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Sugars and other carbohydrates, such as maize, potato and wheat starch provide an excellent basis for the production of chemical building blocks and products. These carbohydrates are being cost-effectively produced on a large scale in the Biobased Delta by, among others, Cosun/Suikerunie and Cargill. In 2017 the European Union sugar quota is going to be discontinued, meaning that more sugars will become available.

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