To load tunes onto the nGauge (so they can be swapped by your customer), save your .hpt file, then press FILE > EXPORT > To E-motion. This will convert the HPT file to a .enc file. As an example, it will convert Mustang_Nitrous_Tune_001.hpt to Mustang_Nitrous_Tune_002.enc Drag and drop the .enc file onto the CUSTOM FILES folder on the nGauge SD


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E-motion closed their doors at the end of the year, apparently due to the effects of covid and their ability to obtain components. Jim Ferarro, the main US distributor has stated that the gauge will remain supported. In fact, I was able to get an unlock code from Jim just last week. It is We offer exceptional Social & Emotional Learning support to young people in the South East and South West. Our bespoke mentoring provides Nurture, Guidance, Aspiration, Understanding, Groupwork and Esteem (N-Gauge)to young people aged 14 - 21.

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nGauge Instruction Manual v1.14 | © 2017 E-Motion Products, LLC 3 LIST OF REVISIONS Revision Date Chapters Comments 1.9 2016-03-03 All Initial Indexed Release Apparently installing the nGauge into the A/C vents is not supported due to the potential for moisture getting into the electronics. Lund Racing will point you towards the manufacturer, E-Motion for support. A new screen is around $115 to replace, which they can do in around 2 days + delivery times to and from the US. nGauge Guide. Alex September 29, 2020 20:28.

Application Filed: 2008-02-27. Trademark Application Details.

Don VMP Gen III 780 rwhp,2.7 pulley,1000cc inj,VMP 67mm TB & boost a pump,JLT 123 CAI,Torch Red inlet tube, L&M nsr cams, kooks long tube headers,Autometer A/F / Boost gauge, Ngauge, 08 Crank Pulley,afco dual heat exchanger, C&R radiator, FRPP racing suspension, BMR LCA / adj panhard bar, CS 14 rims 20x9.5 & 20x11,bullet 6 piston calipers with 15" rotors, 14" rear calipers,CS-14 wheels frt

Do not rename the file. Page 20: Appendices Manuals and User Guides for e-motion nGauge. We have 1 e-motion nGauge manual available for free PDF download: Instruction Manual e-motion nGauge Instruction Manual (22 pages) E-Motion Replacement SD Card For HP Tuner’s nGauge Home / Brands / Ferraro Speed , HP Tuners , nGauge Replacement Parts / E-Motion Replacement SD Card For HP Tuner’s nGauge $ 16.00 nGauge E-Motion Out of Business Just a heads up, I was just reading on another forum that E-Motion, the maker of the nGauge has gone out of business.

Emotion ngauge

Via USB to nGauge connection: Connect nGague to PC via mini USB cable via. Go to "Settings > USB SD" in your nGauge menus. nGauge should then be recognized as a drive by your PC. Place the downloaded files on the root of your SD Card. Do not rename the files. Older firmware files can stay. Go to Step 2.

Emotion ngauge

It is We offer exceptional Social & Emotional Learning support to young people in the South East and South West. Our bespoke mentoring provides Nurture, Guidance, Aspiration, Understanding, Groupwork and Esteem (N-Gauge)to young people aged 14 - 21.

Emotion ngauge

Add to cart. SKU: EMO-SDCardReplacement Categories: Ferraro Speed, HP Tuners, nGauge Replacement Parts. Description Additional information Description. Replacement SD card for your HP Tuners nGauge… video for you guys running MPT tunes on an Ngauge that covers how to load the latest firmware and gr nGauge is a digital gauge that connects to the vehicle's OBD2 port, allowing the user to view live data and reprogram the cars ECU. Customer must specify vehicle detail Catch Code for correct Generic calibration match.
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Stage 4 GT3 Suspension Package. The HP Tuners nGauge is made by E-Motion Products and it is designed to be compatible with HP Tuners VCM Suite. Most support questions can be directed to E-Motion support E-motion’s support email is You can also email if you have application based questions.
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nGauge E-Motion Out of Business Just a heads up, I was just reading on another forum that E-Motion, the maker of the nGauge has gone out of business. Not sure what all that means to owners of the devices, but it has been said that, at the very least, devices that are out there now can not be unlocked and re-locked to a new VIN.

As an example, it will convert Mustang_Nitrous_Tune_001.hpt to Mustang_Nitrous_Tune_002.enc Drag and drop the .enc file onto the CUSTOM FILES folder on the nGauge SD E-Motion Replacement SD Card For HP Tuner's nGauge quantity Add to cart SKU: EMO-SDCardReplacement Categories: Ferraro Speed , HP Tuners , nGauge Replacement Parts Hey guys, with e-Motion going under, nGauge firmware is now just leftovers on 3rd party websites. Which is the latest version for HP Tuners branded nGauges?

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We offer exceptional Social & Emotional Learning support to young people in the South East and South West. Our bespoke mentoring provides Nurture, 

Latest nGauge Firmware Updates, and How to Install Them! How to Load Your Stock Tune and Send it to Us! How to Load a Custom Tune to Your HPTuners nGauge!

Via USB to nGauge connection: Connect nGague to PC via mini USB cable via. Go to "Settings > USB SD" in your nGauge menus. nGauge should then be recognized as a drive by your PC. Place the downloaded files on the root of your SD Card. Do not rename the files. Older firmware files can stay. Go to Step 2.


Read here what the HPT file is, and what application you need to open or convert it. Document 2019-04-10 · I apologize in advance if this question has been asked before. I also sent an email to HP support and haven't heard back yet. I have the HPT Ngauge. I had my Mustang tuned with the Ngauge and traded the Mustang in without returning it to stock being I did not have the stock air-box. We regret to inform everyone that we will no longer be selling the nGauge Performance Tuner.