Creandum har redan investerat i tre bolag med kapital ur den nya fonden. Framgångarna har fått Creandum att höja blicken till Europa och världen. Tre exempel på lyckade internationella exits är den latinamerikanska nätbutiken Cornershop, som såldes till Walmart, holländska Elastic Search, som noterades på New York-börsen, och det finska spelbolaget Small Giant Games, som såldes
Read more about Creandum. Backing the companies of tomorrow. Read our thoughts, news, and insights here and get resources to fuel your growth. Find out more on
Satsningen lanserades i samarbete med Creandum, Northzone, EQT så kallad Series C funding, genom Creandum och Dawn Capital. som Medium, CrunchBase, Polyvore, Zephyr Health och Elementum. 2, Creandum · Voi, KRY, iZettle , [+27]. 3, Northzone · iZettle, Anyfin, Spotify , [+25].
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This list of organizations invested in by Creandum provides data on their funding history, investment activities, and acquisition trends. Insights about top trending companies, startups, investments and M&A Creandum is an early-stage venture capital firm focusing on technology companies within the consumer, software, and hardware industries. Search Crunchbase Advanced Search Media Creandum is a web design, graphic design, and content management system company. Creandum. Crunchbase | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin. Creandum is a leading European venture capital firm, focusing on innovative and fast-growing technology companies within the consumer, software, and hardware industries. This infusion tops off its $50 million Series A from November, according to the company.
Feedzai Creandum Series A Deck Template · specht.p in Speedinvest is a venture capital fund with more than €400m to invest in pre-seed, seed, and early-stage tech startups across Europe. Hungarian writing, thinking, and collaborating platform Craft Docs has raised $8 million in a series A investment. Led by CREANDUM, the round also saw Epidemic Sound Takes $5M in Series A led by Nordics VC Creandum .To Grow Its Epidemic Sound | CrunchBase.
Creandum has changed rapidly over the past few years. When I joined in 2007, the Creandum funds only had around 10 portfolio companies, and in the advisory team, we were all based out of our…
These are photo montages, scenic photo supplements, and to also select your own photo. Dija, the London-based grocery delivery startup, is officially launching today and confirming that it raised £20 million in seed funding in December — a round that we first reported was partially closed the previous month. Backing the company is Blossom Capital, Creandum and Index Ventures, with Dija seemingly able to raise pre-launch. In fact, there […] 2021-04-01 2018-11-01 2021-04-08 Backing the companies of tomorrow.
Apr 13, 2021 To do so, the company has acquired secrets management service SecretHub and is now launching its new 1Password Secrets Automation
Carl Fritjofsson - Partner @ Creandum - Crunchbase Person . Creandum's Carl Fritjofsson on how the tech VC behind . Affinity is the most powerful relationship intelligence platform enabling teams to leverage their network to close the next big deal. Using patented technology In 2003 I got an enticing offer to join a newly founded VC fund called Creandum in Stockholm.
Diskussioner pågår med flera startups på området, men Joel Eriksson Enquist vill inte avslöja några namn. 2017-06-29
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Stockholm-based mobile payments company iZettle has raised a €40 million Series C round led by Zouk Capital with participation from new investors Dawn Capital and Intel Capital as well as existing investors Creandum, Greylock, Index, Northzone, and SEB. iZettle offers payment solutions for both person-to-person and business-to-consumer e-commerce transactions. Creandum investerar i danskt e-sportbolag Så öppnades nya marknader upp för Addema – tack vare EOS 3D-printingteknik SPONSRAT AV EOS. Trots bromsad marknad – digital bröllopsplanerare siktar på Europa Voi tvingas ge upp i elcykelbråk värt 400 miljoner Vinleverantör
Creandum has changed rapidly over the past few years. When I joined in 2007, the Creandum funds only had around 10 portfolio companies, and in the advisory …
We thrive on collaborating with deep technical teams building businesses powered by visual technology. Investing in people building visual technologies that leverage computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze visual data across the full tech stack. Visual data examples: images, videos, thermal, radar, lidar, x-ray’s, ultrasound, MRI, CT scan, 2D, 3D, 4D, 6D and
This includes the addition of clients like Walmart, eBay, Cisco, Earthlink, Medium, Crunchbase, and Zephyr Health.
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Backing the company is Blossom Capital, Creandum and Index Ventures, with Dija seemingly able to raise pre-launch.
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Creandum investerar i danskt e-sportbolag Så öppnades nya marknader upp för Addema – tack vare EOS 3D-printingteknik SPONSRAT AV EOS. Trots bromsad marknad – digital bröllopsplanerare siktar på Europa Voi tvingas ge upp i elcykelbråk värt 400 miljoner Vinleverantör
Stockholm-based mobile payments company iZettle has raised a €40 million Series C round led by Zouk Capital with participation from new investors Dawn Capital and Intel Capital as well as existing investors Creandum, Greylock, Index, Northzone, and SEB. iZettle offers payment solutions for both person-to-person and business-to-consumer e-commerce transactions. We are incredibly excited to announce that Pleo, a company that Creandum backed in February 2017, has now raised a $16m A round led by Kinnevik, with participation by Creandum, Founders, Seedcamp and Vækstfonden.All credit goes to the amazing Pleo team, led by CEO Jeppe Rindom, for having executed so well.. Pleo is a simple business spending solution.
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Munich-based Twaice, which builds battery management analytics software for electric vehicles and other devices, raises €11M Series A led by Creandum Maciej Ceglowski / Idle Words : During the pandemic, we should use “surveillance economy” infrastructure to trace contacts with location data, enforce self-quarantine, aid health authorities
New participants included Project A and Creandum. Subscribe to the Crunchbase Daily Creandum is a leading European early-stage venture capital firm. Since 2003, Creandum is backing some of Europe’s most ambitious tech companies such as Spotify, iZettle, KRY, Trade Republic, depop, and Small Giant Games. Creandum was established in 2003, and is a well known VC. The primary office of this VC is located in Stockholm.
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This website offers the most common photography products, in an extensive photo & publication section. These are photo montages, scenic photo supplements, and to also select your own photo.
Johan Brenner General Partner. Fredrik Cassel General Partner.
2017-06-29 · Crunchbase is Hiring! Our team is honored to work with innovators from all corners of the globe, & we’re building a team that reflects the diversity of our users.
Follow Crunchbase News on Twitter Neo4j’s new round was led by One Peak Partners and Morgan Stanely Expansion Capital (seeing investment banks into venture rounds isn’t new ). The firm did note in a release that several of its preceding investors took part in the round, including Eight Roads , Greenbridge , and Creandum . 2021-04-08 · The new round brings the New York-based company’s total funding since launching in October 2020 to $8.3 million, which includes a $2 million seed round, according to Crunchbase data. The investment will go toward development of user experience and trainer support, as well as the launch of new programs to provide instructors with health benefits and the ability to form small businesses on the platform.
Investor Name Creandum. Investor Type Venture Capital. Holding Minority. Investor Since 000 0000. Participating Rounds 000000 0.