ABRS National Taxonomy Research Grant Program The 2019 round of ABRS Student Travel Grants is NOW CLOSED. [toc] The ABRS offers financial support to 


Travel Grants. To be considered for a HENAAC Conference travel grant, you must register for the HENAAC Conference and pay your student registration fee.

Students who are merely  AAHM Travel Grant — The American Association for the History of Medicine is offering eligible medical students, graduate students, and independent scholars  AAG Grants & Awards by Title Community College Travel Grants · Council Awards for Outstanding Undergrad and Grad Student Papers at a Regional Meeting  The Royal Society of Biology offers two types of travel grant of £500 every year to members worldwide: Travel Grants (Student Affiliate/AMRSB) · Travel Grants  Students undertaking a semester exchange or international short course are eligible to apply for a UOW travel grant and available faculty travel grants to help   SIGIR Student Travel Grants. The SIGIR Student Travel Grant Program provides funding for students to help cover the cost of registration, travel, and lodging to  The 2020 Fall Meeting Virtual Student Travel Grants provide funds to assist students with a combination of costs associated with attending the virtual meeting   Graduate students or recent PhDs accepted in the Annual Meeting. Dec. 1, 2020. Samuel and Marion Merrill Graduate Student Travel Grants.

Travel grants for students

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How to apply. Application deadline. Awarded grants. Travel scholarships for students. Are you interested in studying at a NORDTEK partner university for a semester or two?

Grants of up to $1,000 to USA and Canada psychology doctoral students for travel expenses related to internship interviews. Eligible uses of funds include costs related to travel, such as airfare, gas, hotel accommodations, and food.


The Joint Mathematics Meetings (Virtual Travel Grants) January 6 - 9, 2021 (For 2021 JMM only) The AMS is offering Graduate Student Virtual Travel Grants for JMM 2021. These grants are available to all Graduate Level (Masters, and PhD) students in the Mathematical Sciences. The grant will cover the JMM registration fee at the Graduate Student rate.

Travel grants for students

19 May, 2017; Alberto Chrysoulakis; 0. Forskarservice is announcing four travel grants each worth 25000 SEK for doctoral students at Malmö University to apply: 

Travel grants for students

Travel Grants may not be used for: Travel to UCUR or NCUR (contact our@utah.edu for special UCUR and NCUR Often travel grants will only have one round a year or will close well in advance. I have a general list I keep updated of grants to apply for.

Travel grants for students

Travel Grant for Students Application Deadline: October 15th (Spring) and March 1 (Summer & Fall) Each year the East Asia Center Grants Committee awards money to lessen the cost of travel to East Asian countries by University faculty members and students. Latest information about Conferences & Travel Grants scholarships, 2021-22. POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowships For Developing Countries, 2020. POGO-SCOR Visiting Fellowships For Developing Countries, 2020 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) for international students. Grants of up to $1,000 to USA and Canada psychology doctoral students for travel expenses related to internship interviews.
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Travel grants for students

Notifications will be sent to applicants in early April 2020. The 2020 Intermag Conference will offer travel grants to a limited number of students working in the areas of basic and applied … Student Travel Grants.

Applicants intending to spend a minimum of two weeks in East Asia under the conditions outlined Selection Criteria. Travel grant Grants can be granted both to separate students in a group and to student associations. The application should contain information about the purpose of the trip, a detailed estimate of costs, information about potential other grants rewarded for the trip.
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General Requirements. Travel requirements and time (please see COVID-19 travel guidelines immediately below): To qualify for a grant, your trip must begin after the application deadline date and occur within the year of receiving the award. For example, if a doctoral student is notified on April 14th 2019 that they have received a grant, they have until April 14th 2020 to use it.

Travel scholarships for students. Are you interested in studying at a NORDTEK partner university for a semester or two? If the answer is YES, please get in touch  Supports basic research and clinical research on cancer by travel grants, clinical Project funding, funding for doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers,  KI Travel Grant for research visits for PhD Students (spring and autumn) (This grant does not cover participation in international conferences, doctoral courses or  The faculties award scholarships for travel, equipment, etc from different funds.

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Global Programs Graduate Student Travel Grants. Important Note: Applications for new travel grants are currently suspended pending the University’s lifting of COVID-19 related travel restrictions. Global Programs maintains a fund to support international travel by Penn State graduate students.

It is a not-for-profit publishing organization dedicated to supporting and inspiring the biological community. The Travel is Education Scholarship competition offers both teachers and students the chance to be rewarded for their creative expression and interest in the world. ACIS Travel Scholarships will be awarded in three categories: artwork, photography and writing. So get your creativity-hats on, and win a fully-funded trip with ACIS.


These are awarded to students who wish to study abroad in non-traditional locations. The Peter Wollitzer Scholarships for Study in Asia. Each year, AIFS Study Abroad provides a record number of $800,000 in travel abroad scholarships and grants to students that participate in AIFS programs.

SIGMETRICS is pleased to continue its practice of offering student travel grants to subsidize travel costs for attending the conference. The number and amounts of the awards will depend on the number of applications received, available funds, and proximity of applicants to the venue. This grant does not cover participation in international conferences, doctoral courses or study visits. Amount. The amounts granted are a maximum of 30,000 SEK per person. Higher amounts than the requested are never granted. Period of travel.