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Sic semper tyrannis (latin för "Så må det alltid gå tyrannerna" [1]) är en fras som enligt sägnen uttalades av Marcus Junius Brutus, den mest kände sammansvurne och ledaren för komplotten mot den romerske diktatorn Julius Caesar som mördades av de sammansvurna under ett möte i senaten den 15 mars 44 f.Kr. Frasen är troligen ett senare tillägg då den inte nämns av några samtida

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Semper has been an SEC registered investment advisor since 1992 and manages over $2 billion in assets. Offerings Customized, actively managed separate accounts to accommodate specific institutional client mandates.

Sic semper tyrannis is usually used as a rallying cry when opposing or deposing a despot. The first supposed use of the phrase sic semper tyrannis Is supposed to have occurred after the assassination of Julius Caesar, and Latin, translation: "Thus always to tyrants", purportedly (but unlikely) uttered by Brutus at the assassination of Julius Caesar. The phrase is meant to signify that tyrants will always be overthrown and removed from power. The other person who defined this just got it flat out wrong. Didn't think people could be that stupid. Isabel Marey-Semper by Andrew Gorman as attorney-in-fact: 05/02/2019 ** Signature of Reporting Person: Date: Reminder: Report on a separate line for each class of securities beneficially owned directly or indirectly. * If the form is filed by more than one reporting person, see Instruction 5 (b)(v).

Semper Sec specializes in helping small to mid-sized businesses streamline security compliance programs and use them to unleash their full growth potential. 1 …

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Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con sec tetur adipiscing elit. Integer fini bus mi  I am an associate professor in Economic History and a researcher at Score (Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research, Stockholm University) and SEC  Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero. Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus.